With the support of the European Union
As part of the implementation of the European Union's Regional Indicative Program (RIP) in West Africa 2014–2020 (11th European Development Fund), in Priority Area 3: Resilience, food and nutritional security and natural resources, in consultation with ECOWAS and UEMOA, an action to support the preservation of biodiversity and fragile ecosystems, environmental governance and climate change in West Africa was selected - PAPBio" (ROC/FED/039-269).
“DIKWE NI WEOGO” Support project for improving the natural capital of the PONASI landscape and increasing the resilience of neighboring communities.
Sustainable, participatory and integrated management of protected areas, peripheral territories of Comoé National Park.
Ecosystem conservation of elephants in the Gourma region of Mali through governance that improves local livelihoods in synergy with the planning and implementation of government strategies.
Partnership for the sustainable management of the natural resources of the Termit and Tin-Toumma National Nature Reserve delegated to Noé Conservation and for an effective dissemination of the management delegation model in Africa.
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